平成23年度 留学生だより(9)


Experience in Okinawa

沖縄県立芸術大学 美術工芸学部 美術学科 姉妹校留学生

Okinawa is a small world of Islands in the South of Japan.

The sky is almost transparent and turquoise when it reflects in the ocean.

From time to time the banks of dead coral are rough. In some places you find fine sandy beaches. I see trees with huge arms, with small spines, and with many legs, and some where you might stumble over the big roots. I hear warnings of dangerous snakes, fish and jellyfish, stories of bold ghosts from death people. Everywhere there are prayer points, especially near imposing rocks or trees. In Japan, bells rang so the gods are awaken. In Germany, we ring the bells so that people might wake up. Here in Okinawa, all around the year, many joyous celebrations with great music and strong dances are hold at beautiful places.

Just as in Germany, 5-6 days a week I visit. Currently I am working with stone and wood. Sunday morning I go to an evangelical church, where all people come from Okinawa. I make excursions in the afternoon, visit or receive visits. Until now I have seen two seasons: summer and typhoon. In summer it`s hot, the air is moist, the skin sticks. Butterflies are playing silently between orchids and hibiscus, the grass is dry and semi makes deafening noise. During typhoon it's wet and stormy but really comfortable when you can stay inside with an exciting book. Then the usually busy people are quiet, those shops are closed and all you hear is wind and rain. The next day, the houses and streets shine in the sun, trees have collapsed, palm fronds and flowers torn down, baby birds lying dead on the street. Everything looks new. Later everything is cleaned up and takes its old course.

People with big eyes and round noses, people with black hair and short arms, small people, street workers with black faces, officials with masks and white faces are coming out again. In Japan, there is no Sunday as rest day, the shops are always open and the people busy or restless. Even on holidays. Perhaps that`s why I love the silence which every typhoon brings...

There are many things I miss from Germany: forests as cool and quiet places, clean lakes and rivers for swimming, affordable fruits and vegetables, the German language, my people, the high own and social self responsibility, the environmental awareness…

And that`s annoying for me in Okinawa: amounts of waste packaging and disposables, waste of water, the traffic is far from real alternatives to a more peaceful and more free exhaust fumes, pure duty instead of self-responsibility in the strong group structures.

But now I'm enjoying what I'm going to miss in Germany again: my great friends, those lovely people, this nature, dancing, food, art, music and the ocean and sky which are only available here in Okinawa.